German ambassador says Russia not ready to negotiate with Ukraine

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2024-08-17 01:06:16

German ambassador says Russia not ready to negotiate with Ukraine

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2024-08-17 00:07:19

Cyprus ready for evacuees from Lebanon and Israel, minister says

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2024-08-13 16:07:37

Cyprus 'ready to help' with large-scale evacuations from Middle East

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2024-08-08 14:07:02

Inside Canada's booze battle over canned cocktails

The ready-made drinks are at the heart of a labour dispute that saw thousands of Ontario liquor board workers walk off the job.
2024-07-21 00:07:39

Is South Africa ready to embrace electric vehicle production?

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2024-07-12 18:09:51

Irish PM to help woman facing charges in Dubai

Simon Harris says he is ready to intervene in the case of Tori Towey who is facing charges in Dubai.
2024-07-10 08:07:38

England ready to 'make history' ahead of Netherlands Euros semi-final

England boss Gareth Southgate says "the expectation weighed heavily" at the start of the Euros but his side are ready to "make history".
2024-07-10 04:07:06

Weinstein facing new sex assault probe in New York

Prosecutors say more women ready to give evidence, months after film mogul's 2020 conviction was overturned.
2024-07-09 20:07:35

Europe's Ariane-6 rocket poised for debut launch

It's taken 10 years to develop and cost billions but the new launch vehicle is finally ready to fly.
2024-07-09 14:08:03

Shaw 'fit and ready' to play 90 minutes for England

England defender Luke Shaw says he is fit and ready to play 90 minutes at Euro 2024 after making his bow at the tournament against Switzerland.
2024-07-08 18:08:26

Raducanu ready to 'put it on the line' on Wednesday

Emma Raducanu vows to "put it on the line" on Wednesday when she faces Belgium's Elise Mertens in round two at Wimbledon.
2024-07-03 10:08:20

Le Pen: French far-right government team ready

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2024-07-02 18:08:56

Le Pen: French far-right government team ready

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2024-07-02 17:08:09

Steve Bannon says 'Maga army' ready, as he reports to prison

Former top Trump adviser tells BBC he is unconcerned about missing crucial campaign period while he sits behind bars.
2024-07-01 09:08:03

French PM in final appeal to stop far-right victory

France's election campaign is over, and voters appear ready to hand National Rally victory.
2024-06-29 05:06:46

Play's return postponed again after McKellen fall

The show's producers say the 85-year-old actor is "recovering well" and will return "as soon as he is ready".
2024-06-18 19:08:12

Orbán: Hungary 'ready to support' Dutch PM Mark Rutte for NATO chief

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2024-06-18 18:09:13

Top doctor warns over 'beach body quick fix' weight-loss drug misuse

The drugs should not be used as "a quick fix" to get "beach-body ready" this summer, NHS England's medical director said.
2024-06-14 15:09:10

France's Le Pen: 'We are ready to exercise power'

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2024-06-10 01:08:14

Lithuania stands ready to help Ukraine's energy sector this winter

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2023-11-03 22:09:13

Germany ready to airdrop aid to Gaza 'as long as needed'

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2024-03-22 18:09:27

Israel's Netanyahu says defences are 'ready' as Iran attacks

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2024-04-14 00:06:53

President Duda says Poland ready to host nuclear weapons

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2024-04-23 02:10:36

G7 ready to agree to phase out coal by 2035

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2024-04-29 23:06:30

Europe Says Ready to Use All Trade Tools to Defend Against China

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2024-05-06 15:11:29

App to cut EU border queues won't be ready in time

An app to ease predicted queues under a new EU border system won't be ready in time, says Eurostar boss.
2024-04-20 06:07:02

Co-op Live boss resigns after shows postponed

The venue's opening performances featuring comedian Peter Kay were postponed as it was not ready.
2024-04-25 23:06:35

North Korea ready to sign arms deal with Russia ? FT

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2023-09-09 18:36:32

Hungary Ready for Financial Compromise on Ukraine, PM Orban Says

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2023-12-13 10:11:17

Moscow: Ready to talk on Ukraine after pope's 'white flag' remark

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2024-03-11 16:09:31

Moscow ready to talk after pope's criticized 'white flag' remark

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2024-03-11 20:08:53

Moscow ready to talk after pope's criticized 'white flag' remark

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2024-03-12 02:06:43

Egypt reportedly ready to curb relations with Israel over Gaza war

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2024-05-14 14:08:31

Barry Manilow explains why he kept his sexuality a secret for decades

"Back in the 70s it would have killed a career," says the 80-year-old. "The public was not ready".
2023-11-14 14:09:07

EU to delay tariffs on UK electric cars until 2027

It comes after EU and UK carmakers said they were not ready for the change in post-Brexit trade rules.
2023-12-06 14:11:38

Manilow to play Co-op Live and not 'back-up' arena

The star had reserved Manchester's other arena in case the new venue wasn't ready for Sunday's show.
2024-05-16 14:09:48

Germany ready to use Russian asset interest to help Ukraine

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2024-05-24 17:09:12

Poland's Tusk-led pro-EU opposition signs deal and waits to govern

Days after the PiS governing party is invited to try and form a coalition, the opposition says it is ready.
2023-11-10 16:08:00

Rwanda: How the country views the UK's asylum deal

Rwanda has facilities ready to host asylum seekers but some there are not sure it is a good idea.
2023-12-08 19:09:19

Banksy: BBC reveals lost interview of street artist after 20 years

The mysterious artist is heard comparing his efficient approach to art to microwaving ready-meals.
2023-11-21 09:09:45

Deeply divided for years, Israelis brace for war and try to put their differences aside

Michal Muszkat-Barkan is a natural leader. The kind of person who can rally the troops and knows exactly how to get help where it's needed.
2023-10-13 15:06:40

Vérfagyasztó, 75%-os veszteségekről beszélnek a Robotine térségében harcoló ukrán katonák

Súlyos veszteségekről és további, várhatóan még súlyosabb veszteségekről beszéltek a Times-nak az ukrán front jelenlegi legintenzívebb, déli szakaszán harcoló ukrán katonák.
2023-09-05 14:01:22

Videó: kifutott a az ukrán haditengerészet szupermodern zászlóshajója a Fekete-tengerre

A Törökországban épülő Hetman Ivan Mazepa korvett (F211) már 70%-os készültségi állapotban van - jelentette be Volodimir Uhlinszkij, a hajó kapitánya alig egy hónappal korábban. Most egy ukrán videóban felvételeket is bemutattak a hajó tengeri tesztjeiről, Törökország közelében.
2024-07-05 14:07:43

Amerikai szankciókat kaphatnak a nyakukba a kínai bankok, ha tovább támogatják az oroszokat

Az Egyesült Államok kész szankciókkal sújtani a kínai bankokat és vállalatokat, ha azok segítséget nyújtanak az orosz fegyveres erőknek az ukrajnai invázióhoz - közölte Janet Yellen amerikai pénzügyminiszter a CNBC beszámolója szerint.
2024-04-08 18:07:52

Bármikor megtámadhatja Izrael a szomszédját, a hadsereg már készenlétben van

Az Izraeli Védelmi Erők Északi Parancsnokságának vezetője, Ori Gordin vezérőrnagy bejelentette, hogy a hadsereg készen áll a Hezbollah elleni konfliktus kiterjesztésére, hogy véget vessenek a hónapok óta tartó határokon átnyúló ellenségeskedéseknek - számolt be a Times of Israel.
2024-06-07 17:08:30

Vlagyimir Putyin figyelmeztet: Oroszország készen áll a nukleáris háborúra

Vlagyimir Putyin orosz elnök szerdán figyelmeztette a Nyugatot, hogy Oroszország technikailag készen áll a nukleáris háborúra, és ha az Egyesült Államok csapatokat küldene Ukrajnába, az a háború jelentős eszkalációjának minősülne - írja a Reuters.
2024-03-13 07:07:37

Aggasztó jelentés: Az Egyesült Államoknak készen kell állnia egy egyidejű háborúra Oroszországgal és Kínával

Egy kétpárti testület azt javasolta, hogy az Egyesült Államok készüljön fel az Oroszországgal és Kínával való esetleges egyidejű háborúkra, ami a védelmi kiadások növelését igényli - jelentette a Reuters.
2023-10-13 11:09:18

Putyin: Oroszország kész a végsőkig elmenni a NATO-val szemben

Néhány nappal az orosz elnökválasztás előtt Vlagyimir Putyin interjút adott, amelyben hogy bár nem várható közvetlenül nukleáris konfliktus a NATO-val, országa kész lenne válaszlépésekre - jelentette a Cnbc.
2024-03-13 17:08:44


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